Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Short Lived Sugar Fast & Thankfulness

My sugar fast last a very long time.  48 hours. Pretty sad.  But there’s always tomorrow.  And I will start again. 

We did get new doors put in today.  I can’t wait to show you photos.  But when something new is added, it makes everything else look old.  And you realize you have A LOT more work to do.  But have to remain thankful.  That was the chapter I read in D.L.Moody’s book.  I initially I put Answered Prayer was by George Muller.  It’s not.  I so wanted to read a book by George Muller, when I picked that book up in the book store, it registered as George Muller.  He was the epitome of a prayer warrior.  But so was D.L.Moody I have recently learned.  As much time as he spent preaching to America and England and set thousands and maybe millions hearts into revival, he spent exponentially more time in prayer.  If only we would learn to pray more.  I am learning.  I am thankful.  Our country was founded (before it was officially founded) on Thanksgiving.  I read in D.L. Moody’s book that initially Thanksgiving Day was going to be a day of fasting and then they motioned for it to be a day of giving thanks to God for what he HAD ALREADY done.  Thank You, God, for what you have already done, the prayers You have already answered, the grace and mercy You have poured out on my life.  Let my life be a life of praise to You and Your faithfulness.

I love how Henry:

I love how Henry brushes his teeth and says mmmmm because he is really just eating the tooth paste.

I love how Henry says “hugging” to me in the grocery story because he wants a hug.

I love how Henry laughs at everything Maggie does.

I love how Henry plays with his hair when he’s tired.

I love how Henry, instead of saying no now says, “Yes, I do.”

I love how Henry expresses how much he loves something when he is eating something he likes.

I love how Henry gets really excited about reading books and even when he won’t come to me he can’t resist coming over if I start reading a book.

I love how Henry will sing praise songs to God and raise his hand in bed with me when we are doing our nightly routine.

I love how Henry points to people and then says hi.  It reminds me of my brother Vinny and my grandfather Nate.

I love how Henry thinks that from a distance any young man with a shaved head is Tim.

I love how if Henry says the name of one person in a family he has to name every other person in that family like they are one.

I love how if Henry is sick of my being somewhere or talking to someone he will continually say goodbye to them like it’s time to go.

I love how if Henry wants to go home he says, “Go home daddy Maggie.”

I love how Henry says all of our names together – daddy, momma, Henry, Maggie – over and over.

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