Sunday, September 23, 2012


Tim and Rye taught me how to Tango this afternoon.  Turns out I am a very slow learner.  A little buggy to the cuzzies over the ocean Smile.  Tango is an app you can download on your phone to make free calls and video chat.  My phone is slow, too, since we’re only working with 2g’s.  While I like technology, I like knowing the basics to get me through and reject learning new things to fill my brain.  I put them off.  Really, really buggy to other folks.  Slatters.   I got to see Tim practicing his slatting a week or so ago.  VERY entertaining.  Very.  But some of us know who the king slatter is.  Don’t we?


I’m not going to get too proud of our progress this early in the game, but we have managed to get to the early service on Sunday mornings lately.  This morning was a chilly September morning for Maryland.  Here are the boys – Jesus clapper and all just before we left.  They were so adorable this morning I couldn’t take it.


Here’s my little 3 and 1/2 year old snuggling with his lion his Uncle Vick and Aunt Sissie gave him a couple of years ago.  He calls it his bear.  We had some fun today.



On a very serious note, please pray for this African Family mentioned in my friend Julie’s (missionary to Africa with her husband and two small daughters) blog post.  A precious family recently lost the father and just lost the teenage son.

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