Loving these wide plank wood pine floors via.
Great floors with a great kitchen via.
Henry and I made this cake minus the cherry sauce (didn’t have the frozen cherries) plus my little twist on the cake. The cake is very dense and delish – made from chick peas. My cousin Rye made it for me before too. Via.
I think this dresser is a really cool color. Via.
This is totally my grandfather Nate. Via.
Been trying to keep up with the news more than normal lately because of the upcoming election. The most important one so far. I do not support the President for re-election. The election of the leader of our nation cannot be based on charisma or emotional rapport, rather the support for the same fundamental ideals that built this nation and cannot be taken away without severe consequences. I believe in the sanctity of life, to protect the weak in society (unborn children, orphans, truly disabled and the elderly), the right to bear arms, less government, God’s design of marriage, fair taxes (not top 1% carrying 70% or more of the burden), free market, freedom of speech, freedom to disagree with me, a business friendly environment and, most of all, the freedom to worship Almighty God.
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