Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday Talk

I just started the Beth Moore James, Mercy Triumphs workbook.  I have decided to continue in these workbooks/ studying even if I don’t see the video sessions because they really get me into the Word of God in a level I crave on a daily basis.  Here is something that really spoke to me this morning.  We are studying the background of James, the brother of Jesus, and Jesus’ relationship. 

The power of the resurrection trumps the power of the past if we’re willing to let it.

When the call of Christ sears a hole through your self-protectiveness, you go wherever He leads whether or not you feel like you fit.  How will we ever press onward through the hot winds from hell if we can’t even get past awkward?

Today is my second Dr’s appointment.  I like the baby part of the appointments.  I don’t the me part of it.  If you get what I mean.  I am so excited as I will probably get to hear the baby’s heartbeat.  I got to see the heart during my first ultrasound.  And excited as the day approaches when we get to find out the sex of the baby.  It’s very hard for me to believe I have two children and will have two physically very soon.  The second is almost like the first in that I can’t wrap my brain around it until it happens. 

The teenagers in our church did a blitz in NYC this past weekend.  They sang songs in Rockefeller Center, Times Square and the Staten Island Ferry Terminal and preached the Gospel.  What a privileged life these kids have.  I am so excited for Henry as he gets  more and more involved in the youth program.  To be surrounded by Christ-centered people and to have such a wonderful extended family.  I hope everyone feels the same about their church.  I especially love the others-focused frame of reference and having fun while serving others.  So needed in this self-centered, self-focused society that we all tend to lean towards.

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