Thursday, December 8, 2011

Moving from Emptiness to Holiness… to Laughter

I have probably said this a 1,000 times if I have said it once.  I really love Watchman Nee’s Normal Christian Life.  It’s so tempting, so easy, seems so necessary for us to complicate God’s plan in our lives by creating an Ishmael.  That comes from Nee’s other book I read about Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.  Man, I feel like I need to read these all once a month for it all to penetrate my thinking and my human spirit.  What’s God’s answer for all of our problems?  As Nee clearly through doctrine points out, there is only one answer.  Jesus Christ.  So simple.  Fellowshipping, getting to know, losing our life, co-crucifixion, not our life but His.  We just can’t let go of that old man.  Just keep holding her/his head above water.  To lose my life is gain.  Do I truly believe?  Just think how less complicated all of our lives would be if Abraham and Sarah believed God at His promise to give them a son.  And trusted He was working something out in them before He fulfilled it.  But like all of us, they helped God out in their flesh and created an Ishmael.

Larry Crabb’s Day 9 In God’s Love Letters to You a 40-Day Devotional Experience is great in reiterating this.

God says:  I am aware that things go wrong in your life, that family and friends don’t always treat you well, that nothing goes exactly as you want it to.  I grieve with you over the pain that life causes you.  But our priorities differ.  You ask what will work to make your life better,  to correct the injustice you suffer, to see to it that more things go as they should in your life.  I want to ask you what holiness would look like in your situation, whatever it is, holiness that might not right the wrongs that you suffer but that would let us enjoy each other. ….

It hurts Me to see My people chase after a lesser good than knowing Me….

I would type the whole thing out but am too lazy.

I know a family (more than one) under serious attack.  It’s such a joy to see them fellowshipping with His holiness.  What a testimony to all.

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