Thursday, December 29, 2011

15 Weeks Pregnant

Confession One:  Too much Chipotle

Confession Two:  Too much caffeine.  I seriously need to restrict myself.  I do most days but why is it so comforting to drink (caffeine NOT alcohol!!) when pregnant?  Which brings me to my next confession:

Confession Three:  Too much Dr. Pepper.  Pretty sick I know.  But in those weeks of light headedness and that short spell of nausea it hit the spot.

Confession Four:  I have a cold.  The cold I called my husband a wimp for acting sick.  The not breathing through the nose thing is really starting to get to me.  All this extra oxygen needed has seemed to labor my breathing anyway and now I feel like I sound like I just ran up hill for six miles ALL the time.  Yikes.  So tonight desparate times have called for desperate measures. Yup.  I have chopped a raw onion, made a concoction and have even resorted to putting onions in my nose for some minor relief.  So sick.  I know.  Dave is refusing to believe the level I have stooped to.

Confession Five:  I ate Chipotle tonight and I don’t even know why other than Dave offered to pick it up.  I can barely taste a raw onion.  What was the point?!?!  Addiction?

Confession Six:  I get my next ultrasound in a few weeks and I am getting excited/nervous.  I think that’s what forcing me to rein in my bad habits.  But then I tell my self I was born among a generation when mothers still smoked and maybe drank coffee (I am secretly praying) and we turned out alright.  Right?  Help me out here.

Confession Seven:  I am lazy.  There I said it.  I don’t like being a wimp but I feel like one.  At five I feel like curling up on my bed and sipping tea (well, probably something with more caffeine) and doing nothing.  Oh where, oh where has my energy gone?  Out the door.  Please come back.

Text from Baby Center

Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but she is forming taste buds. Finally, if you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! (Don't be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby's sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby's position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to "hide the goods.")

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