So, changes. Lots. Henry associated his rice milk with sickness we think. He calls it dirty and wants us to wash it. We had to buy him several beverages before we landed on ice tea as something he would drink. At the risk of him getting dehydrated, we are going with it for now. A side note is I looked up consuming large amounts of rice milk. Not good. Arsenic is found in all foods, it's just rice holds a larger amount. Well, he lived through that, praise God.
He also will not drink from a sippy cup. He was only drinking from one of those disposable clear plastic fountain soda cups with a straw that Johnny & Stacey use for their ice tea. The cup finally collapsed and now he's drinking from coffee cups. Praise God. Dave went out and immediately purchased fancy straw sippy cups. I hadn't discussed that I wanted to get away from those, but Henry rejected them anyway.
Henry is eating a lot more! Every morning he wakes up and immediately wants breakfast. He usually eats french toast (I make it will almond milk, honey and cinnamon) and ham in the morning. He will eat up to four pieces. Then it seems like all he does is eat all day.
He's growing. He's grown over 1/2 inch in just a couple of weeks.
He's eating a bigger variety of food. He's actually eating what we eat for dinner which he would never do. I know many are of the school of thought to force eating what you serve. That's not always possible when you have a child with a will of steal and one who will vomit on demand.

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