This is what I say almost every time before I (we) go running:
I’m not running. I’m a lazy person. Lazy people don’t run. I hate running. I’m tired. I’m never doing this again. I quit. I don’t want to do this. I’m not going.
Seriously negative but seriously true. Force. Sheer mind over matter. And the fact I go with a really fantastic friend. I think the fact we have a blast together is the carrot I mean the king size chocolate bar that gets dangled in front of face to drag my butt out of my house and to hit the pavement. I mean my emotions were never designed for this running stuff. Thank God we don’t have to live by them (emotions) or I’d be sitting on the couch (if I had one) eating chocolate covered french fries needing a crane to get me to my doctor’s appointment.
Praise the Living Creator! We did three miles again the other night and have been running FOUR, count them: 1, 2, 3, 4 times this week!!
Have you ever noticed we treat God (by God I mean Jesus Christ, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Creator of the Universe, the First, the Last, the Holy One, the Most Holy, the Almighty, the All-Knowing – get the picture?) like he’s a child we are raising or a new employee in training or a criminal on probation? “God, you have proven that You can handle this but I’m not really sure You’re ready to handle that. I will tackle it and let You know when You’re ready.” “God, I’m not sure I like how it all went down the last time I let you do that.” “God, I called you 50 thousand times about this and it hasn’t really changed or You’re not such a great listener. Hopefully You’ll do better next time if there is a next time for You in my life.”
Wow, have you stopped and thought about your thoughts towards Our Lord who calls us a “dearly loved child” in 2 Tim 1 (not sure of verse). We are His dearly loved children. Believe it folks. So many more thoughts around this but thank Him that He teaches us to trust Him. Sometimes those lessons are in the forms of deep trials and tragedies that force our little fingers to let go of the vice grip we have on controlling our lives, trying to force an early release from the very prison that may be the very place where we learn to trust Him for our every breath and get to know His heart towards us. God’s ways our infinitely higher than ours. We cannot apply our God-given pea brain (compared to His) reason to the Hand of an Almighty God. Is your bratty little hand slapping the floor of your God given prison cell (trial) in a temper tantrum because you’d rather be sitting in your lazy-boy-recliner-life than to have fellowship and get to know in a deeper way the very One who gives you the very breath you are breathing this very second? And the very One you will see face to face when you depart this earth and hopefully spend all of eternity with if you have a personal relationship with Him. Choose life. Everything God gives us whether blessing from His hands or trials from His hands is life. Life for His dearly loved child.