Thursday, March 31, 2011

Random Thoughts

This is what I say almost every time before I (we) go running:

I’m not running.  I’m a lazy person.  Lazy people don’t run.  I hate running.  I’m tired.  I’m never doing this again.  I quit.  I don’t want to do this.  I’m not going.

Seriously negative but seriously true.  Force.  Sheer mind over matter.  And the fact I go with a really fantastic friend.  I think the fact we have a blast together is the carrot I mean the king size chocolate bar that gets dangled in front of face to drag my butt out of my house and to hit the pavement.  I mean my emotions were never designed for this running stuff.  Thank God we don’t have to live by them (emotions) or I’d be sitting on the couch (if I had one) eating chocolate covered french fries needing a crane to get me to my doctor’s appointment.

Praise the Living Creator!  We did three miles again the other night and have been running FOUR, count them: 1, 2, 3, 4 times this week!!


Have you ever noticed we treat God (by God I mean Jesus Christ, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Creator of the Universe, the First, the Last, the Holy One, the Most Holy, the Almighty, the All-Knowing – get the picture?) like he’s a child we are raising or a new employee in training or a criminal on probation?  “God, you have proven that You can handle this but I’m not really sure You’re ready to handle that.  I will tackle it and let You know when You’re ready.”  “God, I’m not sure I like how it all went down the last time I let you do that.”  “God, I called you 50 thousand times about this and it hasn’t really changed or You’re not such a great listener.  Hopefully You’ll do better next time if there is a next time for You in my life.” 

Wow, have you stopped and thought about your thoughts towards Our Lord who calls us a “dearly loved child” in 2 Tim 1 (not sure of verse).  We are His dearly loved children.    Believe it folks.  So many more thoughts around this but thank Him that He teaches us to trust Him.  Sometimes those lessons are in the forms of deep trials and tragedies that force our little fingers to let go of the vice grip we have on controlling our lives, trying to force an early release from the very prison that may be the very place where we learn to trust Him for our every breath and get to know His heart towards us.  God’s ways our infinitely higher than ours.  We cannot apply our God-given pea brain (compared to His) reason to the Hand of an Almighty God.  Is your bratty little hand slapping the floor of your God given prison cell (trial) in a temper tantrum because you’d rather be sitting in your lazy-boy-recliner-life than to have fellowship and get to know in a deeper way the very One who gives you the very breath you are breathing this very second?  And the very One you will see face to face when you depart this earth and hopefully spend all of eternity with if you have a personal relationship with Him.  Choose life.  Everything God gives us whether blessing from His hands or trials from His hands is life.   Life for His dearly loved child.

Thrifty Thursday


Relaxing in his shoes!   Got these shoes on sale at Zappos!


Last week we went to a grocery outlet with Rye and her pregnant friend Krista.   It was my first time and is worth the drive.  It’s my thrift Thursday tip.


I think the store is run by Amish folks which is pretty cool too!


I used to think of cheap grocery stores as having some poor quality no-name brand products only, but this outlet has many, many name brand items.  You do have to check the expiration date.   For example, I was able to get extra virgin olive oil for $2.50 in the same size container I would normally pay $6 or $7 on sale.  That is huge savings.


Someone has enjoyed playing in his stroller this week.


I took the time to make chicken stock from scratch the end of last week.  A definite first for me.


Henry is very nurturing to his animals and other toys.  He always is feeding them.  Dave taught him this.  He is forever lining them up in front of the hay bale and feeding trough.


I think Henry enjoys putting the crayons back in the box better than actually coloring.


Then dumping them out again.


A beautiful cardinal on our neighbor’s roof.


My new sunny window craft/sewing area.  So nice.  I was having such a hard time using my sewing machine on the craft table in Henry’s room or lugging everything to the dining room.  Plus that side of the house tends to be darker.  Thank God for a new use of space in our living room!


I have never been an apron wearer but thoroughly enjoy making them minus the straps.


I bought a pattern at Joanne’s a few weeks ago and just decided to make another one (apron).  That last one turned out really way.  It’s a great way to make a meaningful gift.  You can also get on Joanne’s mailing list and get deep discount coupons to save on gorgeous and expensive fabric.  For some reason I gravitate towards the priciest.  They do not take coupons for patterns.  But they have a bunch for under $5!


Thrifty Thursday: family fun.  Take a walk to a local park.  Your child will probably love it better than any fast food playground or movie!  Plus it’s great to get fresh air and watch your child play!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vintage Dresses

I am blogging about the fab giveaway because I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want to win this giveaway.  Well, maybe a guy  but he could give it to his wife or mother or sister.  So, go on over here and check out this giveaway!

Shabby Apple also has little girl dresses.  Totally killer!

So don’t forget to go on over here (a little bit vintage) and enter the giveaway!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We Did It!

I’m not sure if it’s Dora the Explorer or some other cartoon that sings the “We Did It!” song but it’s stuck in my head.  I have had a lot of “we did it” moments in my head today.
We some what organized my son’s toys in our shared living room/playroom area.
My son tried out his new sneakers on they playground today!
My cousin arrived this afternoon for some QT with the fam.  I had already been to a near by Walmart which I love and I’m firing the other Walmart down the road.  This closer Walmart has a WAY, WAY bigger craft and hardware section with lots of great low priced fabrics.  I just bought some spray paint.  So when the cuzzy arrived, she was child escape route spotter from our little patio whilst I nixed the sanding and prepping and just started spraying the dresser.  We had a little joking and tee-heeing about how our husbands would still be prepping as I finished with my first can of spray paint (probably why they do a way better job).
Over all I am very happy with the results.  Just need to haul all of my furniture to the back yard and paint it.  But we did it!  Go us!  I couldn’t have done it without Rye!

okay, okay, the dripping is not good but fixable!  Sorry, I need to take a picture of the finished product.  I was in a rush to get things cleaned up (the black lawn) before my husband got home.  Ha-ha.

And the biggest news yet:  We ran 3 very hilly miles tonight!  Count them: 1, 2, 3!  In 40 minutes which is a great pace for us considering the level of incline and we haven’t done 3 miles straight since we started!  Go Bethany and Rachael!  We did it! 

♥ Henry ♥

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Henry got this hoppity bouncing ball for his birthday.  It’s a little too big for him but it doesn’t stop him from trying to get on it.

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I held him on.  Thanks, Aunt Kelly & Family!

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We have always been huge Robeez fans thanks to Henry’s first Pediatrician.  But now it’s time for big boy shoes.  These shoes absolutely killed me when we got them in the mail.  So stinkin’ cute.

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I can’t express enough the deep love Henry has for animals.  When ever I mention Aunt Stacey’s name he starts listing of animal names and sounds.  He does it several times a day besides that!  He is IN LOVE!

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He traded his new sneaks for his rubber boots.  Very fitting for Aunt Tace’s house.

Some other Henry news:

This boy is extremely loving.  He hugs me all day long and gives me kisses and says, “awww, momma!”  I am so thankful to have such a loving boy.

Henry is very polite.  He almost always says thank you if you give him something whether it’s a snack or a juice cup.  He also attempts to say please but can only say “pla”.

He has always been very observant seeing the smallest bird on a roof when I was completely oblivious.  He never ceases to amaze me in this area.  Last night we went to Wegman’s grocery store and he noticed a train that goes around the ceiling way before Dave and I ever noticed it.

Henry can be a little shy when he gets unexpected attention but for the most part is extremely friendly and loves to interact with everyone including strangers.  Many people comment how friendly he is.

He still loves books and often laughs out loud when I read them to him.

He loves to watch older kids play.  Especially if they are throwing balls and really interacting.  He’ll stop and watch them on the playground and laugh out loud.

He doesn’t like his diaper changed but sometimes will tell me before he goes number 2.

He is small for his age.  Big shocker with two small parents. 

We have stopped attempting to do an elimination diet (not sure we were ever successful in completely eliminating anything).  That being said, he has never liked milk but is drinking a lot of chocolate milk and getting a lot of loose stools!  Yuck!

He calls pigs “ings” and then says “oink”.

He loves, loves, loves Maggie and often follows her around saying her name and sometimes terrorizes her with his toys.

Maggie has started sleeping in Henry’s room with him at night.  There are pluses and minuses.  Pluses are we get sleep and our room is much cleaner.  Minuses are there is much more dog hair to vac everyday in the living room and Henry’s room.  Sometimes she wakes him up at night.

Henry kisses his toys frequently.

He watches more tv than before.  OOPs!

Henry is eating less unless he’s hungry and then he eats a lot.  That happens about once a day.  Unless he sees any chocolate and we swear he can read labels because he just knows!

He is saying so many words – over 100 now and saying words together like “bye-bye choo-choo” when we were at the zoo.

He doesn’t like to be naked.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Three of a Kind Horses

My Aunt’s three horses were happy to be in the pasture on this warm spring day.  Waiting for their food. My two year old son had a love hate relationship with being so close.

I edited this photo on Picnik – changed the exposure and brightened the colors slightly.

I am linking up over here:

and then, she {snapped}

And, I should really rake the lawn now that it's spring.  Happy Spring!

Welcome Spring!

Our weekend was filled with lots of adventure and fun.

Went to the Baltimore zoo with Kathleen and Henry’s new friend Jack.















Mommy and daddy went on a date night thanks to Grandma Valerie who did an excellent job entertaining our little man.  I think Henry might expect Grandma to show up with half the toy store every time she comes!  Thank you, Grandma!

Grandma and Henry playing together before we left.

We ended up going to Little Italy after not being able to find a parking spot in Canton or Fell’s Point!

We took a family day trip on Saturday and visited part of the C&O Canal.

Yesterday was my first day volunteering in the nursery for the 1 yr olds.   Henry is staying in the 1 yr old nursery a little longer since we just moved here.  Everyone says Henry behaves really well when there.  I think the mother or parent factor changes things.  Henry didn’t want me to hold any other child while I was there.  It was kind of amusing.

The Sunday morning church service was excellent.  I heard some from the nursery and listed online in the afternoon.

y niece Teagan celebrated her 5th birthday yesterday!  We love you, Teagan!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Our New Look

We are excited about our new blog.  Going forward we will be posting on and

Friday, March 18, 2011

Link Love Friday: Lost Ring

San Francisco is on our radar.  Here are 53 trip ideas based out of the sunny state.


We might go here on a date tonight.  It’s our first date in a long, long, long time.  Brazilian restaurants are maybe not the most romantic, but it’s downtown, relaxed and Brazilian meat is great for all you meat eaters.


Have I told you how much I love the fabric here?


Here’s my little link love redemption story.  It’s a mixture of sad but sweet.

You know when you make a decision to go forward with God there are usually sacrifices that God always gives us 10 fold back in the end.  My story isn’t really a 10 fold story but is rather sweet.

I regret to inform you my wedding band was lost during our move from Maine to Maryland less than two months ago (a move we felt/feel was led by God).  It’s a long drawn out story on why it was lost and I have tried to just move on and believe it happened for a reason and just let it go.  I actually determined to never let it bother me since there was absolutely nothing I could do.  And, the good news is/was, I didn’t lose my engagement ring.

So I entered a blog giveaway on one of my favorite blogs in February.  I won!  This:


Guess what it is?

Well actually I won a $50 gift card to Lisa Leonard Designs.

I got my package in the mail yesterday and have been dying to blog about it.  Don’t they do a great job with packaging?

I ordered a silver band with david & rachael hand stamped on the ring.

No, it’s not my wedding band, but I love it.  It’s simple and meaningful and a perfect gift from God.

Thank you, Whatever and Lisa Leonard Designs!

I am linking up at Cherish’s blog over here!  Thank you, Cherish!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Have Realized

I have it pretty rough.  I have a huge cross to bear.  Not everyone can have the cutest child on earth.   It’s my lot in life.  I guess that’s why so much of the memory on my computer is taken up from photo storage.  And why I have a hard time choosing which photo to display on my blog. 

Can we say cuteness?  Total and complete?  Sitting on the hay bales while Aunt Stacey feeds the chickens.  He has a love hate relationship with animals.  Big ones at least.  He talks about them ALL day but it’s a little different when they are up close.  Stacey has some BIG dogs.   You can tell Henry is a little mortified in this photo.

Henry checking out Wilbur the potbellied pig.  He calls a pig an “ing”.  The words are starting to fly out of this little guy’s mouth.  He is killing me with cuteness and smartness EVERY day!

Wants to be close… as long as there is protection.  P.s.  Wilbur bit my foot.  The whole front of my foot he bit!  Brat!

Stacey’s roof collapsed under the weight of a huge old maple tree that fell during a storm.  Rather the tree sliced her house in half.  It’s been a long road but the bedroom is making some serious progress with cathedral ceilings and soon to be redone floors.

Now for some down right cuteness…


It is hard to be humble having such a beautiful child, but, in all seriousness, I have been meditating on this verse:

1 Peter 5:6-7 (New King James Version)

6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,

Isn’t it great that if God opens the door no man can shut it?  We don’t have to fret, just wait upon the Lord.

Happy birthday to my beautiful sister in-law, Stephanie.  Shamrock girls rock!

Dress Success

Embracing many things today:  My messy craft table, my sewing machine, my camera, my child, my naughty dog and, most importantly, the Word of God.

dress 001  messy craft table.  i never thought i would have a craft table.  never.

dress 002

can you see the dust on my sewing machine.  must be from the fabric i’ve been cutting.  certainly not for lack of use.

dress 003

minor success with my first little girl’s dress (around size 4 or 5).

I ended up throwing out the pattern towards the end. 

I would say it is my first piece clothing but I made a sweatshirt in home economics in middle school.


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My chubs and I playing in the chair.

Linking up over here today:



I can so relate to so many of the kings in the Old Testament who did what was right in the sight of God until things weren’t going their way and things were going better for other people.  Then they started worshipping the gods of those people. 

(now, don’t freak out people.  i am not going off the deep end.  i am reading my Bible, praying and doing devotionals.  i love God.  I can just relate when i reflect back to times or even moments in my life).

don’t we all give God a chance in an area and then, if things aren’t in our timing, we take it into our own hands?  whether fixing other people, putting our nose to the grind stone in our own strength, taking the easy road out, living in bitterness?  we build high places to other gods and offer sacrifices of thought, time, money and energy.

wow, we are all alike.  it’s only resurrection life that changes us just like it changed aaron’s rod in Numbers 17.

it’s only God’s life in us that qualifies us.  not us.  Galations 2:20.  not our brains, not our educations, not our gifts, not our hard work, not our looks, not our social status.  just Jesus.

Window of Hope

I am reposting this from a blog I love because I love what God is doing through this woman and I have a heart for Orphans.  Please consider (God led) giving these precious children hope this summer.
Window to Hope

I am excited to announce that this summer I am partnering with a team from my home church (Northshore Baptist) to bring a group of Ukrainian orphans to Washington for 3 weeks July and August!!
We will be bringing 9 children from the Khemelnetsky region.  I had the opportunity to travel and meet these precious kiddos this past week--- and let me just say that now that I've seen their faces, and heard pieces of their stories I am even more motivated and excited to bring these kids to the US for hosting this summer.
Each year our ministry partners with Ukraine Orphan Outreach in Colorado to bring kids to the US for a summer hosting camp (which we will continue to do this summer as well).  But this is the first time I will be brining kids 'home' with me, and for that opportunity I am extremely grateful. It is a privilege to be given this possibility to expose my home church to the needs of orphans and give them a window into my world in Ukraine.
But we need help to make our plans a reality!  By June we need to raise close to $18,000 to pay for the airfare, visas, documents and needed supplies in the US.  When looking at that sum it can seem like a lot of money and a bit daunting, however when I start to think of how many people I know, and how many people have a heart for these kids, and I take into consideration that God is able to do immeasurably more than I could ask or imagine- I know that this sum is really not big at all!
So I am asking you to pray for this project and also pray about how God may lead you to give.  We have a blog set up here: (Window to Hope) that you can visit to find out more about the project, and learn how to make a donation online.
Checks can also be sent and designated through CoLink:
To Donate...

You may make a donation to CoLink at any time by mailing a check to us at:
PO Box 82188
Kenmore, WA 98028-0188
Be sure to include the account #828 in the notes section of your check
(this is the account set up for the 'window to hope' hosting project).

I won't be able to post pictures of the kids online at this time, just for their protection and for ours- but I will just say that there are 9 adorable children anticipating a fun filled 3 weeks in the US this summer, and I am praying we will be able to see it happen!

"And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.   Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen." 

~Ephesians 3:17-21

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Book Swap Anyone?

My Cousin is doing one.  Count me in.


As you can see I have been working on my blog today.  Hope you likey.  Check out my cousin’s blog too and join her book swap.