Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Healing in the Word of God

What can wash away my sins?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.  Nothing. 

What can heal me from my past?  What can heal my mind from scars?

A prayer?  Sometimes a prayer can have immediate deliverance.  A sermon?  Sometimes a sermon can heal a deep wound instantly.  Godly counsel from a friend?  A word in season can reach deep into dark place in the soul and sometimes can deliver us instantly in an area.  Reaching out beyond ourselves to help others with the love of God?  Self focus is our worst enemy so focus on others is always healthy and can also deliver immediate deliverance sometimes.

I think the longer we walk with the God the more areas of our lives are instantly touched by the aforementioned.  I also think the more we walk with God, the more God reveals to us more needs to be healed.  I love how Watchman Nee says that the most dangerous place to be is having just enough God to be worthless to the world but not giving enough of ourselves over so we remain a miserable Christian for decades (thinking this Christian life just doesn’t work).  He also goes into how God is patient enough to bring us through the same test/trial in different variations over and over again until we have been transformed into His image in that area.  The answer to every problem is Jesus Christ.  I am convinced and more so every day that I need to succumb to the need for the Word of God that God is cultivating in me.  Studying more, learning more so that Word of God can wash my mind, heal my mind, deliver me in areas – family stronghold, patterns of thinking, pride – that may have been there for years.  It also delivers me into new levels of joy.  New levels of surrendering my will, my life only to gain a greater life.  It’s so amazing.  The more we let go, the more we gain.  And building a relationship with the Word of God in addition (there has to be more) to church services, radio programs and what I have learned in the past is becoming my only way to continued and greater victory.  Such a joy.

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