Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Outreach in Dundalk


Hudson and I went to outreach tonight in Dundalk.


We mostly played with the kids in a local park.



Most of them were too cool to play until the red light green light game began.  Then they were all “in”.  So cute.


I am glad there are no photos of me playing tag.  I was “it” first and it was a sad sight to behold.  Kids are fast. 


Kids teach me a lot. My own kids and other people’s.

Summer fun.

Henry & Hudson


I Support Free Speech I Support Chick-fil-a

Having an opinion is not discrimination.

Happy 6 Week Birthday, Hudson


I don’t want you to be jealous, but the doctor thinks I am doing fabulously on my 6 week birthday. 

I am over 12 lbs now.

The doctor told my mom to keep doing what’s she’s been doing because I am such a perfect cute bundle of chubbiness (my mom’s words).  He also told her I might slow down on my feedings, but I’ve got to maintain this chubby charm and that takes a lot of work on my part Winking smile.  I told my mom not to count on it.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Just Another Manic Monday…


Such a privilege to have two wonderful sons.   ♥


Hudson’s first trip down the slide.


Henry made me do it!





Hudson visiting with our dear friend Eileen this afternoon.


We finished the evening eating crabs with my in-laws.  Thanks, Linda and Butch for a great dinner!

Happy Birthday…


Happy birthday to Rye & Tim who are about to embark on the adventure of a life time.  Two of my favorite people on earth.  I hope this year is the best year of their lives and God goes exceedingly abundantly above all they could ask or think. 

Thank you for loving us and being faithful friends.  We love you, Rye & Tim.


p.s. I want the circular saw haha.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Double Standard

I think it’s amazing we have to respect people’s opinions and right to choose unless it goes against a liberal agenda. 

Hiking with Papa & Hana










Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012



The sun was high and the sand was hot.  A line from one of my favorite kids’ books Lottie’s New Beach Towel.





Tuesday, July 24, 2012

5 Weeks Today


I have been a little grouchy lately.  My mommy thinks it’s because I have had a little congestion over the past few weeks.  It’s my 5 week birthday today, so I decided to celebrate with some smiles bright and early this morning.  I knew my mommy wouldn’t mind the lack of sleep if she were greeted by my joyful sounds and happy face.  Now that she’s been up for a while, it’s time for me to get my beauty rest. 

Oh yeah, happy birthday to my Uncle Zac.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Check Ups

Hudson and I took Maggie to the vet today.  She hasn’t been herself lately and has been quite lame.  I always doubt going to the vet, because usually the diagnosis is vague, general and not worth the money.  We have been more concerned lately because she has been refusing to eat her food, although she still loves people food.  And she seems more lethargic – but that could be just the hound in her.  She has been a problem baby since the beginning.  But we love her.  The vet couldn’t tell me much.  Shocker.  Her heart and lungs sound good.  Her food issue and lameness may or may not be related.  Her lameness could be her old back issue flaring up or arthritis.  Or a million other things.  The food issue may be stress from bringing the baby home.  They gave her a prescription for an anti-inflammatory drug and offered to do million dollar blood work.  I declined.  I decided to watch her longer and see if this food issue clears up.  Maybe it is stressed.  And every time we over pay at the vet (has happened many times) we walk away with more questions than answers. 

I had an almost 5 week check up today.  Hudson went with me to that one too.  Everything was great.  Hudson was fussy because I had to take him out of the front pack, so I nursed him while getting my exam.  The doctor said as she left that men could never do what women do – balancing a baby, nursing at the same time and getting a full physical.  She said either the baby would starve or the men would break.  It is amazing how women can multi-task.  I guess that’s why God made us the mothers. 

Then Hudson, Henry and I went to visit my friend Beth who is now a fantastic furniture refinisher.  Seriously.  I think she is getting a new addiction.   Next time I have to take photos!

Photos from the Weekend


I’ve got to keep my poses going even when I sleep.


Henry had a blast at his friend Thomas’ (batman shirt) 4th birthday party on Saturday. 


No diapers.  No accidents.





Henry liked Buzz at first and then was terrified.  The fun pretty much ended with Buzz for Henry.  The other kids were a little older and LOVED him!


Aunt Desi & Uncle Glen stopped by for a visit yesterday.






His new bathtub from Me-maw.