Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Thoughts


Davey Pavey has had a rough weekend after having a severely infected mouth for quite some time and finally getting a tooth pulled on Friday.  It’s bittersweet because it will help his heath but it’s humbling to lose a permanent tooth.  Over all he is recovering well.

We as a family have taken advantage of his needing to take it easy and took a family nap on Saturday and Sunday!  That is very rare and much needed for all of us.  Sleeping has become more uncomfortable for me and therefore I disturb Dave all night by shifting and getting up to go the bathroom 50 thousand times.


I bought this table and chairs unexpectedly at my friend’s community yard sale after seeing what great condition, great quality and great price.  I put them on Craig’s List and was able to sell this weekend.  Praise God and they are going to a great home!


Last night I was meditating on the abundant life with God.  I am not talking about prosperity or not having problems but the Word of God becoming reality in our human spirits, in our belief systems, in our mundane routines, in our daily lives.  What/who is it that brings us to that point?  God.  Yes.  Do you know what I mean?  I mean we will never be perfect until we go home to be with Jesus but how do we live in the abundant life the Scripture promises? 

I seriously remember being saved as a child not having a clue about the Word of God and having very little teaching but watching many Christians around me trudging along, grinning and bearing the “Christian life” they had committed to.  It literally was so repulsive to me.  The last thing I desired to be was a Christian by name.  I mean I was a Christian but I didn’t want the Christian life.  Are you with me?

I was a child of God and there was a point that the only Christian life that I thought I knew which wasn’t anything I wanted to run after became more desirable than the misery that accompanied me wherever I took myself and the lack of control I had to make things better in a world that seemed to be falling apart around me.  I went to Bible College with a “I am giving you a chance God.  I know this is going to suck, but You have left me with very little options” mentality.  God changed my heart and the Word of God began to heal me.  This life was real.  God was real.  Jesus was real.  But looking back God had only unveiled a small measure of the abundant life or maybe that was all I wanted or maybe He had to bring me through more breaking to release me from bondage I didn’t even know I was in.  So many years went by and I loved God, believed in winning the lost to Jesus Christ, followed God with what I thought was my whole heart, did devotionals, served, made church attendance and fellowship with the body of Christ a top priority.  I quoted scripture, claimed verses for  my life, listened to Christian radio, sang hymns and spiritual songs to myself, watched God move, praised God, prayed, had a burden for people.  God was working in my life.  He really was and I really wanted Him to.  I really wanted to follow God. 

I am not saying we earn anything from God.  Everything is by His grace.  But there was a breaking in my life.  Don’t get me wrong again, I have not arrived.  I am still on a journey.  I am sure everything in my life up until that point, that time whether it was sin, other’s bad decisions, my bad choices, my choices to go forward with God, my steps of faith, my agreeing with God even when I didn’t feel like it was used to bring me to a point where I was set free from the bondage (may have more to go) that kept me from experiencing true satisfaction in God, His Presence, believing that I would rather have the Word of God than any other thing on this planet and knowing to the core of my being that this life is real and God and the Word God is the only Person/Thing that can heal, release, deliver into the reality of abundant life.  I praise God for the breaking.  That was my meditation last night and then this message was preached this morning.  It was God kissing me on my forehead telling me He loves me.

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