Friday, February 25, 2011

Trees DOWN!


Looking out our front door.


This one almost took out the Schaller’s house. 

The wind was blowing REALLY, REALLY hard in the early afternoon.  Henry and I had a play date scheduled for 2:00 but wanted to confirm it and didn’t hear back until 2:30.  The power went out just as we were leaving the house and there was a very eerie (not sure of spelling) feeling as I walked to the truck like one of the massive pine trees could topple over and crush us or a house at any moment.  I turned out of the driveway to see what looked like a tree going towards the Schaller’s house and possible in their house. 

Good news is that it came to their front door and took out the power lines and JUST missed their house like the huge pine tree that fell JUST last week. 

While we were at our play date, we got a call from Lisa stating a tree fell from our property line.  It took out another power line and snapped a telephone pole.  THANK YOU God, it didn’t happen while we were leaving or while we were home. 

So, both ends of our street were blocked off this evening meaning we couldn’t get into our driveway.  We were able to walk on our neighbors’ lawns to get into the house but no word on when the power is coming back.



The cop let us park the truck on the street so we could get to the house.

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