Friday, February 11, 2011


Come on.  You know the feeling you have lost weight because your jeans are fitting loser (meant looser) and then you step on the scale only to see you have gained a few pounds?   Come on.  Maybe the extra weight stretches your jeans and then they feel loser (meant looser)?  Who knows.  Winter weight is a bad habit I need to break!


Flock of geese over head.  Isn’t that arrow-looking-thing interesting?

Well.  We had a fun day today.  Went to pick up Stacey on the farm.  Victor was there and I had fun zooming my camera in on him while he was walking towards Henry and me (we were sitting in the car).

feb 11 021

Chilly February morning in Maryland.


Victor coming to say hi.


Me being a weirdo attempting to get a close up of Victor.

feb 11 023

Stacey’s roosters.

feb 11 024

Trying to freak Victor out with multiple shots.

feb 11 025

Fresh McKenzie Eggs.

feb 11 026

feb 11 027

Wilbur is loose no more.  Stinkin’ pot bellied pig split the pen after being in his new home less than twenty four hours.  This delayed our trip to Rye’s for a few minutes.

feb 11 028

Beautiful but sometimes naughty horses.

feb 11 029

Got this beautiful chocolate brown material at Jo@anne Fabrics for $4.50 today!  Yay!

Thanks, Rye for the wonderful morning filled with coffee, eggs, chatting and letting my son destroy your house!  Twas fun! 

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