Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sue Jr. & More

My mom's name is Sonja Sue (called Sue by the fam and Sonja by the general public) and, no, she's not from the south.  Not even southern Maine.  It's kind of a southern name don't ya think?

Like all bratty kids, I have complained of my mother's ways.  But the older I get the more Sonja Sue looks back at me in the mirror.

I specifically remember being totally disgusted at the thought of second hand junk.  It was a never for me.  It's amazing how those never's come back to haunt you.

I have gradually begun to enjoy second hand items given to me.  But now.  Now, it has happened.  I find myself on the search for second hand items and can't bring myself to purchase them new.

Which brings me to this...

I walked into Goodwill on a mission to find a good deal on a piece of furniture.  And, also like my mother, I have a thing for a chest of drawers.

With thoughts that my husband was going to kill me and willing to face certain death, I made the purchase.

Just wait until I refinish it.  I have been researching some cool finishes and now I am so excited!

Now, how are you like your mother?


I also got some really cool fabric at Joann's.  And finally made a gift for my friend who celebrated her birthday a month ago.

Are you in love with this fabric?  I am.

Sewn into a simple pillow.

I was short on filler so I sacrificed this pillow which wasn't the best job anyway.

Voila!  A large, overstuffed, luxurious throw pillow.  And the fabric is fabulous.  Such a great weight and great colors.  Now, I just need to fork it over!


Against Dave's better judgement, I let Henry open the door in our bedroom which leads to no where but has a view of the back yard through wooden bars (there are no steps).

We heard screaming and thought he had slipped through the cracks.  Horrified Dave rushed into the room to find this

He shut himself out of the room in the very small space between the door and the railing.

Happy Tuesday and remember God loves you!


Unknown said...

i loved reading your blog about your mom. i have found the same to be true in my life. after all my rebellion and dissatisfaction of my mother, it turns out that i'm a chip off the old block. i'm not only thinking like her now, i've started to look like her.

yes, i think sonja sue sounds southern. people used to say that about my name...bette-jean.

love the picture of the little um outside the door.

had a great psychology class and great fellowship at pastor colby's today.

love ya, b.j.

Jessica said...

Love love love second hand anything and the fabric and don't love that your poor little boy got stuck, but he sure is cute!

Emily Burgess said...

Rachel these are two of my most favorite past times - repurposing old furniture and collecting and finding use for neat fabric - hee hee - Emily Burgess