Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Maggie Came Home–Thank You, God

Maggie came home tonight like nothing ever happened.  Her same old self.  The vet had told us that she could be off for a while and may not ever be the same.  I am so thankful that God answers prayers!

Earlier today I was on a walk to the park with Henry in the stroller.  Henry said, “Momma, Maggie?’  Wondering where she was.  He did the same thing a few times after that.  I am so happy his little partner in crime is back home.

Henry and I were watching when Dave pulled in after work and after picking up the dog.  It was so nice to see Maggie walk through the front door after being carried out the night before.  She soaked up the special attention she was getting and was pushing the limits for extra food!  I would have easily given in and fed her more because I am a wimp.  But Dave kept reminding me she just got over a stomach issue that possibly caused a stroke, so just simmer down with the overfeeding.  It ministers to me more than to the dog to over feed her. Kind of funny.

Pictures of the beast are coming soon.


Our home inspection went very well.  Thank God the inspector was very thorough and on task the entire time because I was not!  I had a lovely time chatting with the elderly woman (while Lisa, my realtor, watched my child!) who currently owns the home.  It amazes me how behind each door there are so many stories.  People living amazing lives just next door or are going through so much and we never know.  The owner joined the foreign service just after she graduated college and just after WWII.  She was stationed in the former Yugoslavia.  She met her husband there who was in the US Air force and had also been a hand held radio operator during the war.  Because she worked for the Embassy she was not permitted to travel much.  She said it was very, very poor.  I can’t even imagine.  She and her husband returned to America or maybe he became her husband when they returned.  He was born and raised in NYC and she was born on the west coast and had lived in Chicago and Tennessee.  They settled in New York where he worked for Sylvania back when they were making TV's.  The plant was shut down and the husband got a job as an engineer (radio?) in Baltimore.  They raised their four kids in this house – three girls and one boy.  I am not sure when the husband died but they had just begun to enjoy traveling together on faraway vacations they hadn’t been able to take with a large family.  I am not sure how long it has been since her husband passed away, but this gal gets around.  She has three sisters – all still living – and they meet each other all over the country.  They recently took a trip to Portland, OR.  And I think some must be pushing 90.  It was very encouraging a lot of fun to hear about this woman’s life.  You just never know who is behind an ordinary door.

1 comment:

Fresh McKenzie said...

I love this story... great blog!