Thursday, February 27, 2014

Grace & Grit Magnets

I tried my hand at making magnets for Grace & Grit - a group for supporting Bobbie Jo raise money for her fight for cancer.

They didn't come out as perfectly as I wanted.  Oh well.


  • craft glass tiles
  • modge podge
  • magnets
  • graphic - I made one and had it sent to the local Staples and had them print as many as they could on one sheet of card stock
  • cut graphic (best if have exact punch or paper cutter)
  • modge podge the face of the graphic to the back of tile
  • smooth
  • glue magnet to the back of tile

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Photos from a Walk to Day

My friend Jessica and I took a walk today.  We live two miles from each other.  I am just down a large hill.  So I picked her up and drove midway to walk up this dead end road with killer views.  She has a bad had injury so we didn't want to over do it.

Hudson's Smartness and Henry's Smartness

Hudson for months now takes the diapers out and wipes when he wants to be changed.  So cute.  He is also so good at imaginative play.  Henry had a tea party set up on the dining room table. Hudson climbed up on a chair and started to pretend drink and eat. He cooks us meals in the kitchen.  So cute. He is also very opinionated about what he wants to eat so he will have us hold him up to the refrigerator or pull what he wants out of the cupboard.

If we drive anywhere once Henry remembers.   It's so amazing.  I am talking back roads in Maine where there are only trees.  He will say aren't we on Bobbie's road or Lyla's road.  And we can even be coming from the opposite direction.  So smart.

Friday, February 21, 2014

You Make Beautiful Things

I was thinking this song for Bobbie all day...

Thank God, He makes beautiful things out of pain, out of dust, out of us.

Beginning Minor Kitchen Makeover

Here is a photo of the start of our kitchen redo.  I took it with Pano on my iphone.  You can see the dark green above the cabinets which is going.  We are also painting the wall in between the kitchen and living room with black chalkboard paint.  I was using the living room chair with a  kitchen chair teetering on top as a ladder.  Until Dave came home and told me we have a ladder in the basement. Haha.

This is Henry on Saturday.   We took him to the doctor on Sunday.
This is Hudson over last weekend eating a chocolate chip pancake.

Henry painting today.  Last night when we were eating dinner Henry told Dave he is a massive guy.  Then he said, "You are a massive guy and you eat massive hot dogs off the floor with your massive mouth."   It still cracks me up.


Hudzy Bear painting.  Hudson is really smart.  I know I am his mother but he really is.  I had pots and pans out this morning hoping to distract him.  When it wasn't working I told him to put them all away and he did.  Then he wanted to carry his sippy cup up the stairs by himself while climbing the stairs himself.  He couldn't figure out a way to make it happen because he wanted both of his hands free, so he set it down and grabbed it with his teeth.  The other day he pointed out what he want to eat to Dave and then he pointed that he wanted to eat it at the coffee table.  So Dave set up the little chair and gave him a fork (he has refused to eat with out a utensil from a very young age and won't let anyone feed him either).  Hudson then pointed to a napkin. Dave gave him one and Hudson set it beside his food and wiped his mouth off between bites.  He hates it when food gets on his clothes but hates it even more when I take his shirt off. 
Bobbie Jo got news that her cancer has spread to her lymph nodes.  Please pray it hasn't spread further.  She is waiting on an MRI.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Locked Up Abroad

I need to start recording the hilarious things Henry says all the time.  He is truly a unique kid.

Tonight he arrested me for drinking alcohol (I wasn't really but he has watched Alaska State troopers) and put me in jail.  He told me I was locked up abroad.  He tied my hands up with a rope.

He also asked for all the hens today.  All of them.  A rabbit, one cow and two horses.

He asks to go to Disney World and Chucky Cheeses EVERY DAY.  Haha.

And I have been trying out paint colors.  He asks me all day long to paint the whole house and that he will watch Hudson for me.

Scripture for Healing

Last night Bobbie Jo and I made scripture cards on the computer for her to hang up in her house.  Here are some we made:

I love them.  The content.  Especially Isaiah 54:17.  

Poor Little Hudzy Bear

Hudson whimpered all night last night.  Broke my heart.  And he was up early in pain.  And couldn't even sleep during his nap because he was so uncomfortable.  He was sick yesterday during the day but Henry was much worse.  Last night they reversed roles.

So we went to doctors again today.  I had been giving Hudson Tylenol and Motrin all day but he still had a temp of 103.3.  He has the flu and an ear infection.  Poor thing.

Sick Babies

Hudson is sleeping on me right now. Couldn't bear to hear him cough and moan without holding him. And I can't sleep anyway. Too much caffeine. And Super Why's ABCD song in my head.

Henry went to the doctor today and has an ear infection along with his sickness. He is sleeping quietly now.

Poor things. I remember when people used to say wait until you have two and both are sick. Now I get the meaning. I think this is the sickest they have been since last year when we all got the flu during Jana's wedding.

But I am thanking God for every good and perfect gift. Seriously. Been studying the word alone which has brought me to some incredible narratives so far. In the book of Exodus and Judges. And at the same time meditating on the virtuous woman. Wow. When I read the end of Proverbs 31 I feel empowered by God and convicted by God. Both really good.

Bobbie Jo, my friend just diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer, was told she has one of the most aggressive and invasive cancers. She has priority treatment by the medical staff. They told her she will need 20 weeks of the most aggressive cancer. And her lymph node had to be biopsied. Next she will have an MRI to determine treatment route - what combination of surgery, chemo and radiation. She also visited her naturopathic breast cancer specialist doctor who surprisingly to Bobbie agreed with the Chemo treatment. Bobbie is still on her Ketogenic diet and doctors agree helpful. Bobbie is praying for clarity and wisdom to choose the correct treatment path.

Starting to paint the house. Choosing paint colors and buying samples proves to be a tad more difficult in rural Maine. :). Just because of driving distance to stores.

I am also doing Ketogenic diet to be a partner in crime to Bobbie. It's supposed to be 80% fat, 15 protein and 5 carbs. I have to sy that's extremely challenging. Fat has more calories, so technically it fills you up faster. But you have to eat small quantities because caloric intake can become massive. But the actual portion size is so small that I think psychologically it messes with my head. I certainly have more energy but so much so I cannot sleep. I guess that is a common side effect. Bobbie came over tonight and she's not even doing the hardcore 80 % fat so I am relieved to loosen the rules a little. Hoping that means more sleep.

Hopefully can sleep now with this little rug rat.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Last Day of Swim Lessons and More

oh my word.  i just love watching Henry take swim lessons.  and for the most part i have been able to thanks to my father meeting me at the y and watching Hudson there for me.

i am just so proud of Henry.  today was his last day and he learned about safety.   AND he got to go down the slides that he has been waiting to go down since the first class.  he and the girl behind him on the board were the two that dared to go down.

my little love bug is growing up.  he is such a helper and such a comedian and such a lover of people and such a talker.  i just can't imagine what he could be when he grows up because he is so unique.  that's why i pray all the time that he will follow God and love God.  because God knows.

i tell him that God built him.

and he told everyone in his class that God died on the cross for his sins.  the kid kills me.

Christopher turned 4 the end of January and Zac and Steph had his party last night.

i took more videos than photos.

this kid is too much.  talk about knowing what you want from a baby.  this little boy knows what he wants.  i is a real go getter and he's not even 2!!  he's charming, he's super smart, he's strong willed and he loves his mommy.  he melts my heart every minute of the day.

we had a snow day last week.  bobbie came over and we ate and watched a movie.

our babysitter lyla goes to our church.  so we try to do a girls' night once in a while to talk.  praying for a major adventure with God for this one.

snowy dreamy rockport harbor.  one of my favorite places on earth.

this is only the beginning.  our cupboards are raided daily by a 19 month old.

Documenting a Journey - Friend with Cancer

this photo was taken in November.  probably as the cancer was starting to wreak havoc in her body.  but this girl's a fighter.

she found out on friday, february 7, 2104 that she had aggressive invasive cancer in the breasts.  no news on where else.  we are praying it is only in that area.

we met at her house that night to talk cancer fighting strategies.  so her first line of defense is God OF COURSE!  prayer, prayer and more prayer.

but she is also diving head first into the land of the ketogenic diet.  there are stories of tumors being abolished.  real live people who were given months to live and are still alive today.   how does it work?  all cells in our bodies run off glucose.  even cancer.  if you can switch your body to ketones (running off fat), cancer cannot make the switch.  how do you do that?  going seriously low on carb count.  bobbie is around 20 or less per day.

the good news is she bought ketosis (not sure of spelling) strips to test her urine today and she is already in the highest ketosis.  AMAZING.

she meets with her doctors tomorrow and friday.  we are praying that the tumors are healed by God or demolished before surgery is needed and God will make it clear.

so i am documenting this journey.

i am trying to be her food consultant to take something off her plate so she can call and ask how many carbs does an item have in it and i will look it up for her.  AND today is day one for me to be her partner in crime.  we tested me after a day of no carbs and i was negative for ketones meaning i am still running on glucose.  it takes 48 hours.

i am so thankful for my precious friend.  heart broken for her because this type of news is devastating.  it just is.  but she knows God has a plan.

and we will record it here God willing.

a new journey - friend with cancer

my best friend up here in Maine had a routine mammogram in September.  since then a lump has formed in her breast.  she already has lumps so she didn't want to make too much of it.  but at the same time it concerned her.  a couple of weeks ago she contacted her doctor who also thought it probably wasn't anything but did have her get another mammogram.  the mammogram led to an ultrasound.  which led to a consultation with a surgeon and radiologist.  all without news of what it was.  then a biopsy last Tuesday.  she was expecting news Thursday, February 6 or Friday, February 7.  the call came in Friday, February 7 in the afternoon.  the news was not good.  invasive ductile (not sure of spelling or word) carcinoma.  all numbers were bad in every category.  no word on if the cancer has spread as of yet.

one word.  one call.  one life changed.  wait.  many lives changed.  but who can know what it feels like to received that call about yourself until you receive one.  until you have walked in those shoes.  bobbie has taken care of at least 4 or 5 close friends and family members who have died from cancer in the last 5 years.  the last one being her own father who passed away at 57 two years ago this past January.

when we road home one night from augusta she was already prepping her feelings if she heard that dreadful word.  she would be mad.  how can so many people not take care of themselves and never have an issue.  it was all surreal.

when the call came.  more so.  is this for real?

i remember that monday evening in October three months after the shocking phone call about my own brother.  into the gym.  out of the gym.  several missed calls.  dread.  i already dreaded calls and still do to this day because of the phone call about my brother.  i knew more bad news.  my sister in-laws brother was missing at sea.  i knew he was fine.  it couldn't be that my brother zac would lose his only brother and then his wife would suddenly lose her only sibling three months later.  nope.  wasn't happening.  but it did.

so the cancer call was real.  and this week she finds out if it has spread.

it's such horrible news but i already see God's hand in it.  He works everything together for good.  it's impossible not to have ripple effects reach multitudes.  relationships with rifts suddenly healed and better than ever.

a marriage better than ever.  i could cry watching bobbie and jim.  so loving.  they have fought so hard for their marriage and this bitter news has made the water sweet.  and i could go on.

i am so thankful to have a friend who trusts God and a God who holds us all in His hands.

His ways are SO much higher than our ways.