Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Baby is Four Years Old

My first born turned four today.  REALLY hard to believe.  Really. 

Henry 010

Here’s what I wrote on Facebook this morning:

To continue the story... four years ago today... I arrived at Miles Memorial in Damariscotta, Maine sometime after 8 pm on Friday, March 13, 2009. Little did I know, the night was young. Eight hours later at 4:36 am on Saturday, March 14, my precious first son was delivered by Angela Lynn Ripley who is my all time favorite midwife (thank you Leslie Carter for helping me in the hospital as well). We didn't name our first son for almost an hour when Dave decided he did like my first choice of Henry. Henry Vincent Umstead has turned our world upside down. He lives life to the fullest. He sees beauty in every detail and can have a blast with any person any time. He is a character, a lover of people and a lover of life. We never knew love to this degree until we met Henry. Happy birthday, my first born son!


Cupcakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miss these BOYS!!! Wish I could have given Hen a BIG HUGE birthday hug and a kiss!!