Monday, October 25, 2010

Busy Day Today

I did my third week of my radio show on today by the grace of God.  I am not qualified to do any work of God – none of us are – but, praise God, He uses the weak things of this world!  Arnie Castro was a gracious and Spirit filled guest.  It was a pleasure interviewing him.  I know that those who were listening were touched by his life.  You can read a little bit about it on my radio blog

Dave had the day off, so we caught up on SOME errands and cleaning.  Things that have slipped through the cracks with the radio show, Bible study, working and raising a baby. 

Tonight I taught my third Bible study from Watchman Nee’s Normal Christian Life.  That is also a walk of faith and a trusting God moment by moment.  Exactly where He wants me to be but always need to be reminded.

Henry had a great day hanging out at home and running errands with his dad.  It was fun to have some down time with the fam if you could call it down time.  We had a delicious turkey dinner thanks to my husband and me.  We are a good team at making dinner.

Speaking of team – this David & Rachael team has been married for 8 years tomorrow.  Every marriage has its ups and downs.  Every marriage is work.  I am so blessed that I walk each day with a man with a heart after God who loves me and my son.  I wouldn’t trade our life, our walk with God and our experience we have learned from for anything.  Thank You, God, for giving me (a strong willed, stubborn brat-of-a-girl) a man who loves me and loves You.

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