Here she is with younger brother Vick. She likes to say this photo was foreshadowing the future – holding onto Vick (taking care of others) and holding tight to her very large purse (something she still carries today).

The oldest of four children – mom is pictured here with her three younger siblings Vick, Stacey and Molly. And her father.

A 1970 picture of the house my mother grew up in.

Sonja Sue is not quite 3 years old with some animal and her mother.

Sonja’s sassy siblings.

My mom’s mother’s relatives.

This is my mother’s great grandmother Alice. My mother is built very much like her.

5 Generations on my mother’s mother’s side – Hunt/ Howe.
My great, great, great Uncle Walter, mom, Vinny, Great Grampa Hunt and Grammie.
Mom is hot stuff.

Mom is back center, Vick is front center.
Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you very much! You are an incredible woman and have risen to the occasion in spite of much adversity in your life. Not just risen, excelled.
Thanks for all the photos, too! I stole them from Facebook!