Friday, June 26, 2009


I jogged for the second time this month. I think the last time I jogged was on June 1. I did jog for 3 miles today. Not bad for such a slacker. We have had a lot going on and it has been raining and I do have an infant - not that those are good excuses.

I got my precious baby a life jacket today. We put it on and attempted to do something to use it. Since the dock and float washed away with all of the rain, it was too difficult to attempt getting into the kayak with Henry alone. The water is very cold from all of the rain and lack of sun so Henry really wasn't into wading. He actually started crying when I touched his feet to the water. A boy after his mother's heart. I don't like cold water either. I used to deal with it as a child... but then turn blue and have to wear my grandmother's winter coat to warm up. Now I just avoid lake water until later in the season. Not that I'm overly excited about getting into a bathing suit. I'm very close to my prepregnancy weight but my weight has shifted because of the big stomach. I didn't get any stretch marks on my stomach during pregnancy but got a few on my back/side during or after labor! Bummer. Way the cookie crumbles. I am thrilled that I've lost the weight.

We are scrambling trying to get everything ready for our closing on Monday. I think we will be in shock when and if we have a time when something major isn't going on. It seems like it's been a solid year of one major event after another.

I was thinking what a paradox human life is after hearing the news of Michael Jackson's death. We can endure so much and not die (some people get crushed by heavy equipment, get into major car accidents, have deadly diseases etc) and then we are so fragile it only takes the next second and we are gone. Death is a part of everyone's life and we spend such little time thinking about it.

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