My mother took me to see Beauty and the Beast yesterday afternoon. Sherman, Vicki, Molly, Wayne and Sam went too. The Camden Hills High School always does such a great job on their musicals. The acting, costumes and set were amazing. It was such a treat. Thank you Mom!
Dave and I spent some time in Augusta looking at baby stuff in Target. It's so overwhelming. I guess we'll just start chipping away at what we need. Dave is really getting into it. He found the cutest outfits on BabyGapdotcom. Of course he'll grow out of them in no time, so it doesn't make sense to buy all of his clothes there.... but a few really cute outfits ... who can resist. By the way, if you're wondering the name, we are not disclosing that. Too many opinions. We have the next Dr's appointment on Wednesday. I told Dave he didn't have to come. It's mostly the mothers but fathers are welcome too. Last time I told Dave all the dads were coming and only one other showed up. When we were discussing the next appointment I told him I was fine going by myself. I really meant it. He really wants to go, though. I think it's so cute.
I am not exactly sure what's happening with the planning of Chris' funeral. I haven't talked to Zac or Steph in a few days. Last I heard they were having a service on Matinicus and one on the mainland as well. It's a little more complicated than someone just dying because they have to file a missing person report and I am not sure what goes along with that. Please keep them in your prayers. It's so hard to lose someone so young, so unexpectedly and especially without saying good bye. Unfortunately, I and they have been through this less than four months before Chris passed away. They definitely need love and prayers. I know with Vinny it was very painful and shocking for the first week or so and then when reality set in, the pain got worse. There's nothing easy about this type of situation. Good things do come out of it. And I know more than ever in my life that God is faithful. I take is plan willingly and thankfully because there wouldn't be this much of a loss or pain if my memories of Vinny weren't such a blessing. Like Job said to his wife in Job 2 - can we take the good from God and not take the bad? I wouldn't trade one second of the pain if it meant I had to trade one small part of my relationship with Vinny. I just pray Steph can find comfort in the arms of God as well.
I have 7 more pages of My Grandfather's Son by Clarence Thomas. I am totally blown away by this man's life. I highly recommend the book and I don't think you'll look at things the same way after reading it. While I respect the President Elect and will pray for him as he prepares for his new office and while he's in office, his life is such a contrast to Clarence Thomas'. Clarence Thomas has never had the victim mentality and let me tell you, he suffered A LOT. My next book will by The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee. I am so excited to start it. This is an amazing Chinese man who has impacted millions of people all over the world.
I am also excited about our Thanksgiving plans. Lord willing we will be staying in PA at my cousin Rye's apartment. Her mother and my aunt has been in a special program for months and Rye hasn't seen her. She is getting out for the day and we are going to surprise her with our visit. I can't wait. Rye and I will be cooking a feast all day and then are looking forward to a Scrabble marathon. I have to admit, I use to be the champ but I have been out of practice for so long I am anticipating getting crushed. We'll see. I don't think Dave cares so much for Scrabble, but I am sure it will be nice for him to get away after the tough year it has been.
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