Thursday, December 27, 2012

a small tribute to the big brother

big brother. big memories. big wounds. big healing. big blessing.

there was nothing small about vinny, his life, his way, and our relationship. 

GOD does big healing when HE allows big wounds that tear apart a little life, on this little earth during this little time.  I’ll take it.  I’ll take the tears (tares) with the tears for the time I had with him and the time I have with HIM.  the little time for the big time in all of eternity. 

the big memories are a big blessing.  the big memories help heal the big wound.  but not really.  memories and time do not heal wounds.  GOD’s WORD does.  HIS WORD is life.  HIS WORD is truth.  HIS WORD is the only thing that can tear and repair.  for REAL.  all other healing is scar tissue. 

so today I reflect on big going away parties we had for small trips.  outrageous middle of the night phone calls.  outrageous requests.  fishing time on the georges river and the dam up the street from my grandparents. after school torture.  unspoken deep connection. a loving family. shared heart aches. a beloved brother completely healed at the feet of JESUS.  no more tears (tare) or tears.  no pain.  he is rallying for the truth of GOD’s WORD all the more now that he knows the TRUTH.  makes me want the TRUTH of GOD’s WORD all the more.

missing but rejoicing.

all my love to my big brother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rachael I'm so sorry to hear about Vinny. I had no idea - it's been so long since I've seen either of you. My memories of Vinny are vague but all good - he was a kind, handsome fellow. -Sally Jo