Happy Belated 1 Year Birthday to Nevaeh!!
Dave finished his training of the new owners of the laundromat this past weekend. He's on call for 30 days but is willing to help after if he can. So he's officially unemployed... or WE are officially unemployed. It's not a bad feeling. It's the first time in years for both of us. It just means I need to get my butt in gear with my new business.
I had a great networking meeting this morning. Can you believe I sold my business in our little networking group? The folks that own Buzzie Bee Diapers bought it. Go Cloth! (that's their saying... something I should listen to). I truly thank God for that group. Amber from Little Harbor Technology is helping me build my new business. I love what she is doing and working with her. I thank God for Amber! We had a great meeting after the networking meeting.
My mom and grandmother came over to my house for a Biblical Psychology class. Something we have been doing every week for about a month or more. My cuzzies from PA showed up and we all went to an unplanned lunch at my mom's.
We are having Nevaeh's first birthday party this coming weekend. She celebrated it with her grandmother's side of the family and I think we waited until Annie could come up to have it on our side. This little girl is amazing and I'm so proud of her. Proud to be the cousin aunt. She better not beat my son up, though :) she's quite the little brute.
I am planning a visit with my aunt Annie this weekend. We are hoping to catch up and maybe do some kayaking. She is coming up to Portland to take a dance meditation class on Sunday and visiting my siblings and me up here before. It's perfect timing because we're unemployed but I'm sad she didn't get to see my house and business. I'm sure she'll get to see many more since we move so much.
Henry is teething. He has to be. He is drooling. He is fussy. And my mom says it. I believe her. He's the cutest thing I've ever seen.
I got my hair cut and highlighted on Friday. Henry stayed with my mom for a few hours. It was his first time without his parents. He did very well. I didn't. I left before the woman could finish my hair. I was so nervous he'd be screaming his brains out and my mom would be afraid to call. He was perfectly happy when I arrived. He was in Grampa Dan's arms smiling away.
Last night was the second time Henry was without us. He was at Molly's house two doors down while Dave, Sam and I went kayaking. Sam is an unbelievable kayaker for being 8 and it only being his second time. We saw snapping turtles sunning themselves on rocks and dead tree trunks. I guess they missed the sun, too. I also saw a deer when I was jogging yesterday morning. Henry did well with great aunt Molly and great Hunky Uncy.
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