I used to get so bugged when bloggers I followed dropped off the face of the earth. And now I get it. With different seasons come different priorities. And I am learning to navigate this time with two busy boys, a messy house and days going by in a flash. I have learned more about myself. I am more of a romantic than I ever realized and more of a visionary. I romanticized the idea of homeschooling, raising children and being a stay at home mom. My days are filled with lots of frustration, lots of forgiveness (mostly for myself) and a flurry of activity. In the midst of my new depths of knowledge in practical parenting and the application of the grace of God like never before, I am loving life. Loving my kids and am so very grateful to God to all He has given me. I am in awe watching my two little boys becoming more and more independent. I am in awe of the opportunities God gives me to minister to others in the midst of my own depravity. I am in awe of the spiritual growth of my husband. I am in awe of the blessing God continues to pour out.

Doing some art work on a very rainy, cold wet day here in mid-coast Maine. We do not do art every day - don't want to give a false impression haha.
Learning to live in a house that constantly has every room on the verge of being clean or a total disaster. Never completely in order.
Our bar top has become a home to Henry's toys and Hudson has found a way to move chairs to reach them as well.
Another shot of the boys hard at work. Henry is really refining his skills daily. Hudson doesn't ever want to miss a moment of action.
Our dog is jailed because he pooped on the rug this morning. His name is Bosley. He's a beagle and blue tick mix. We rescued him from the pound after he was there for a few months and before that found nearly dead on the side of a mountain. He's seven years old and very good with the kids.