Today I have the wonderfully talented Maggie from Gussy Sews

hanging out answering some questions (the abc's!) and throwing a little shop credit your way!

Now first, meet Maggie!
The sassy & sweet one woman show behind Gussy
She taught herself how to sew 2yrs ago, quit her job and built the Gussy empire
(okay maybe empire sounds cheesy, but lets just say Maggie is bad ass)
Between writing a successful blog (with great business tips & tutorials),
being featured in magazines, speaking at conferences, staring in "how to do your hair" videos =)
and making all the fabulous products for her line..
she also somehow finds time to take her cute pup Bauer out for walks,
maintain a healthy (and adorable) marriage.. and be so down to earth all at the same time!
I asked Maggie to play the ABC's or 20 questions..
here is her pick
A= Are you available - no way! zack and i have been married for 3 years this June (2011)
B= Best Blog Friend - ruthanne of eclectic whatnot (
C= Cake or pie - umm, how about cheesecake? ;)
D= Drink of choice - non-alcoholic: fountain Coca-Cola, alcoholic: strawberry margarita
E= Essential item you use everyday - MASCARA (!!!)
F= Favorite color - pink
G= Gummy bears or worms - worms
H= Hometown - grand rapids, mi
I= Indulgences - chocolate. seriously. i need a piece every day.
J= James Dean, Jimmy Fallon or Justin Timberlake-
huh? just kidding... how about justin timberlake (reminds me of middle school)
K= Kids and Names - just a puppy, Bauer (9 months)
L= Life is incomplete without? - gratitude
M= Must have fashion item - skinny jeans
N= Number of siblings - 1, an older brother, Matt
O= Organic or Over rated - overrated :}
P= Phobias or Fears - i get really anxious when i need to fly.
i feel like i hold my breath the entire time I'm on the airplane.
working on this... it's been a process.
Q= Favorite Quote - i have two :)
1. inspiration is all around you, and
2. to stay balanced you must constantly shift.
R= Reason to smile - Zack :)
S= Season - summer
T= Tag 3 of your fav blogs -,,
U= Unknown fact about me - i was a cheerleader all 4 years of high school, and i loved it!
(WOOOOHOOOOO <--- i added that in!)
V= Vegetable you don't like - eggplant
W= Worst habit - i like to hit snooze ;)
X= X-rays - i don't think i've ever had one taken.
Y= You are (in one word) - sassy
Z= Zodiac Sign - cancer
Most of you that follow the Gussy blog know about Maggie,
how she got started and what she is usually up too..
so I hope you feel like you got to know a few random extra facts about her
that make you love her even more!
If that didn't work, what about a giveaway??!!
{of course you LOVE giveaways!}
How about a $40 shop credit for one of these beauties??
Go check out her shop its packed full of goodies!
I'm giving you 6 chances to win!
{for each thing you do on the list, leave a seperate comment}
-must be a public follower of my blog
- follow Gussy Sews blog
-fan Gussy on facebook
-follow Gussy Sews on twitter
-tweet about this (with a link back to here)
-re-blog about this (with a link back to here)
Contest is open til Tuesday at 6pm (pst)
Winner will be announced shortly after, along with my product review!
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