Miss Hana Marie departed early Friday morning. We all miss her very much. Even if she loves the Fresh Beat Band. Ha-ha.
Just for you Hana!!
Hana is such a good girl. We can't wait until she comes back!!
Hana is such a good girl. We can't wait until she comes back!!
We got an Easter gift from my mom and Dan today. Do you see Henry's reaction to the delivery. Like, you are not getting me that stuff fast enough!! He loved it!!
My mom is ALWAYS on the ball. ALWAYS, when it comes to holidays. I could learn a lesson from her. I haven't even purchased a piece of Easter candy.
Henry is feeling a little better today. He has had gains and retreats through this nasty virus. Last night was a rough night. Very rough. I think Dave and I got most of our sleep from 8 - 10 am. Unfortunately I don't think the nugget can make Easter Sunday church. Which means I cannot. Kind of a bummer.

Sorry to hear your little guy is under the weather and that your can't go to church. God understands, though, right?! : ) Have a wonderful Easter.
I'm lovin that band!!
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